Soft lift threads
Every 15 minutes, a procedure usin Soft threads is performed somewhere in the world. It does not require any cuts, sutures or surgical sewing. The effects are amazing and long lasting! Just one procedure will be enough.
Threads lets women regain a young, relaxed face and the patient is the only one who knows why. Threads are two-directional, bioabsorbable threads with cones – a safe procedure for correction of skin flabbiness and reduction of aging effects. The procedure changes the location of fat tissue in the zygomatic area and restores the volume
Why is it worth it?
The effect of threads procedure is simmilar to classical lifting, but the recovery is much shorter.
What do you need to know?
Problem solved
How often repeat
Duration time
Soft threads give the effect of surgical lift with the use of threads, without having to use a scalpel. What is more, appearance of the cheeks is improved, volume in the zygomatic area is restored, skin flabbiness is corrected, signs of aging are reduced, eyebrows are raised and the neck lift result is achieved.
Book consultation!
This treatment is individually tailored for each patient. The best candidates are patients with slight sagging of the skin, elastic skin and enhanced bone structures. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes. Threads may be successfully applied in combination with other treatments offered by the Clinic, e.g. injections of hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin, which supplements the natural effect while allowing better and comfortable placement of the threads.
During the first six hours after the procedure, cold compresses are recommended on the respective area; the patient should sleep on their back for the first 3-5 nights; during the first week, dental treatments are not recommended, as well as face massage, cosmetic face treatments or sports involving elements of physical contact; there are no contraindications against washing the face and hair; face mimics should be reduced for the first 3 weeks after the procedure; chewing of hard foods as well as dynamic opening of the mouth should be avoided for 4 weeks after the procedure; sunscreen filters should be used after the surgery.
This technique is contraindicated in case of patients with allergies or proven adverse reactions to biomaterials used in the procedure.
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